

Independent valuations

Centra values businesses. We have extensive experience in the provision of independent valuations, whether that be for a stake in a company or the entire business.  For a full scale valuation we would normally be using 2-4 different methods, such as DCF, comparison with other similar companies and price in recent transactions.

Cost-benefit analyses

In these analyses Centra evaluates risk, income, cost and timing in order to determine whether a planned project will lead to profit or loss.

Fairness opinion

Centra is an independent company and as such can be a trusted advisor regarding financial deal and/or the assumptions behind it.


Impairment tests

The present value of projected free cash flow (DCF) is used to estimate the operational value of the operation that is behind the recorded goodwill in accordance to The International Accounting Standards (IAS 36) which deal with estimation of goodwill.