Centra Corporate Finance is a financial brokerage firm licensed by the Financial Supervisory Authority (FME) and operating under its supervision in accordance with law no. 87/1998, on official supervision of financial operations.
As a financial company Centra is required by law to procure certain information from its clients and our rules and procedures must be accessible to our clients.
Pursuant to the Act on Securities Transactions no. 108/2007 and guidelines issued by the Financial Supervisory Authority, Centra Corporate Finance has issued Rules of best execution in carrying out trading instructions (Article 18), Policy regarding conflicts of interest (Article 8) and Rules of procedure in proprietary trading. We encourage our clients to study these rules.
Centra advises its clients that Centra Corporate Finance does not specialize in business with private investors, nor does it offer personal advice to investors and thus the investor may have to obtain advice from external specialists regarding the business conducted on the basis of these Terms and Conditions. The client is also advised to study applicable legislation and rules as current at any time, such as Act no. 108/2007 on Securities Transactions, Act no. 30/2003 on Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities and Investment Funds and Act no. 161/2002, on Financial Undertakings.